February 7, 2025

Otto Szafryk

Compact Devices

Augmented Reality: A New Approach To Collaborative Learning


Augmented reality (AR) is changing the way we learn. Augmented reality, in a nutshell, is the overlay of digital information onto physical objects. This could be anything from a 3D-generated ghost to something more interactive like Google Maps or Pokémon Go. It allows users to experience things that are not yet real—but could be in the future. As technology advances, AR will become even more immersive and pervasive than it already is today, allowing us to explore new worlds while also learning about them firsthand.

How Augmented Reality is changing the way we learn

Augmented reality is a new way of learning that combines the real world with digital information. It’s interactive, engaging and fun! The best part is that it’s more effective than traditional methods because students are actively engaged in the learning process.

Blended Learning

Blended learning is a combination of online and offline learning. It can be used by students who have different learning styles, or for students who need additional time to master new concepts.

Blended learning also allows you to create customized content that your students can access from anywhere at any time. This can be particularly useful if they’re working on projects outside of class or studying independently on their own time but still want help from a teacher who knows what they’re doing!

As you might expect, blended learning has its pros and cons–just like any other approach to education!


Augmented reality is more than just a new way to view the world. It’s a new way to interact with it.

Augmented reality allows you to learn by doing and experiencing your lessons in real life, rather than just imagining them or reading about them on paper. In this way, augmented reality can change how students learn–and how teachers teach!

For example: if you’re learning about dinosaurs, instead of just looking at pictures of dinosaurs in an encyclopedia or watching videos about them on YouTube…you could actually hold up your phone (or tablet) and see an actual-sized dinosaur appear right before your eyes! Your teacher could even ask questions like “how many legs does this dinosaur have?” And then all you would need do is count them yourself!

Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is a way of learning that involves more than one person. The participants in collaborative learning can be in the same room, or they could be thousands of miles apart. They may also be working together as part of an online group, or each on their own at home.

Collaboration has been shown to improve student engagement and achievement when compared with traditional methods such as individualized instruction (where students learn from pre-made materials) or instructor-led discussion groups (where instructors lead conversations).

Real-world applications

Augmented Reality is being used in many industries, including education, retail and healthcare. As the technology becomes more accessible to consumers and businesses alike, augmented reality applications are expected to multiply. Here are a few examples of how AR can be applied in today’s world:

  • Education – Students can use AR to learn about historical events or about their favorite sports team by bringing them into the classroom (or home).
  • Retail – Brands can use AR app on smartphones or tablets at point of sale locations so customers can see what their products look like before buying them. They could even try out different styles before deciding which one works best for them!

Augmented reality is a new, more engaging way of learning.

Augmented reality is a new, more engaging way of learning. It’s not just for entertainment. Augmented reality can be used in a variety of different ways to teach students and make them feel more engaged with their lessons.

Augmented reality is a new approach to collaborative learning that allows students to interact with each other while they are learning about the subject matter at hand through their phones or tablets.


With augmented reality, the possibilities are endless. The technology is still in its infancy and there are many challenges ahead. However, we believe that this new way of learning will revolutionize how students learn and teachers teach. It’s time for us all to embrace this new technology and start thinking about how we can use it in our classrooms today!

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